MAHSSA ASKARI "Gestern Nacht träumte ich, ich sei wieder in ..." 27. Mai - 23. Juli 2022 Von Ludwig Wittgenstein stammt der Spruch:“Ist das
unscharfe Bild nicht gerade oft das, was wir brauchen?“ Aber tut
ständiger Nebel der Seele gut, oder verschleiert er Abgründe? Mahssa's
schwerlose Malerei zeigt eine diffuse Simulation von Utopia, mit der
Gewissheit, dass die Landschaften jeden Augenblick wie ein Hologramm
verschwinden könnten. ENGLISH Ludwig Wittgenstein once said: "Isn't the blurred image often what we need?" But is constant fog good for the soul, or does it hide abysses? Mahssa's weightless painting shows a diffuse simulation of utopia, with the certainty that the landscapes could disappear like a hologram at any moment. Your promise of happiness? Even under the protective parasol, an illusion of memory and projection - the leaves of the palm trees are too green, the rooms too transparent, in which people stare hypnotized into space. Askari, who was born in 1980, is not unfamiliar with the loss of collateral. At the age of twelve she emigrated from Iran with her family. She studied painting in Düsseldorf. Her works derive their attraction from the contrast between paradise and instability - in a world in which nature has long since become a life-consuming insecurity factor. Alexandra Wach monopoly Art and Life Magazine |